Hey! Today I would like to talk about Gmail mail service(email from Google). Surely, you are already familiar with him, I personally met relatively recently, about 4 months ago. Before that, I “sat” on Mail.ru, but after switching to Gmail, I realized that the latter is really the best in the world. Why? I'll talk about this below.

What made me switch to another mail service? This is beautiful, that is, now my mail looks like this: [email protected] site... Not bad, huh? Yes, of course, this can be done in Yandex, but for some reason I settled on Gmail and I do not regret it at all. Register on Gmail.com will not be difficult, but nevertheless, I recommend that you immediately make a beautiful mail with your own domain name(I told you how to do this).

How I use Gmail email

1. I clean up my Inbox.

In the "Inbox" folder I have only actual letters that require some action: reply, follow some actions, etc. When a letter becomes irrelevant, I just I send it to the archive... What is an archive? These are letters that are not visible in the Inbox, but are searchable. Here is the Archive button:

Also, letters that are sent to the "Archive" are available through the "All mail" folder. Thus, my inbox is always clean. If you are sure that a particular letter will never be useful to you, then instead of “Archive” you can safely click on the “Delete” button.

2. Marking important letters.

Some emails require an urgent response or are extremely important to me. And while I'm sorting through my mail, the first thing I do is go to the Marked folder:

It is very easy to mark a letter: just click on the "asterisk" in the upper right corner:

If one star is not enough for you, you can use a bunch of marks. To enable them, you need to go to Settings -> General -> Stars:

3. I use the "Shortcuts".

For example, at the moment it is passing and it is very convenient for me to collect letters from each participant in a separate folder. What have I done for this?

  1. I opened a letter from a marathon participant, clicked on the arrow in the upper right corner:
  2. From the list I chose "Filter similar letters":
  3. In the “From” field, I entered the email of the marathon participant and clicked on the “Create filter in accordance with this request” button:
  4. In the line "Apply shortcut" I clicked on the button "Select shortcut ...":
  5. Already there I clicked on the "Create shortcut" button:
  6. I gave a name to the shortcut (in my case, I wrote the site address for this participant) and clicked on the "Create" button:
  7. That's all! The label has been created, now all emails from [email protected] will automatically go to the pupkin.ru folder:

Thus, you can filter messages by mailbox, subject, etc.

Assign a certain color to each label, thereby visibility will increase significantly:

4. Mark automatic letters as read.

Often letters come from exchanges, such as Rotapost and others. I need them, but I don't like them when they are “unread letters”. For such letters from exchanges, I also create filters, just in step 4 of the previous paragraph (see above), put a tick in front of “Mark as read” (I do not create labels for these letters):

6. I actively use search.

Need to collect all the correspondence with a specific addressee? Not a problem! It's very easy to do this in Gmail. Just type in the mailbox address of the person you need and voila! , all letters from him before your eyes:

It helps a lot when the person you are chatting with does not use the history of messages in e-mail. Then they still wonder why I don't answer their letters? And sometimes I don't even remember what I talked about with this person. The search is honestly very helpful. I also search for all sorts of keywords and really find the letters I need.

Also in Gmail, it is very pleasing that all letters that are replies are collected in chain letters(saving space in the list of letters and the convenience of tracking history).

7. It is very convenient to use Gmail e-mail via mobile phone.

You can easily find an application for almost any phone here http://gmail.com/app... Alternatively, you can use the browser version of the Gmail website, which is still very convenient (mail is “narrowed down” to the size of the screen). There are also a lot of applications released by third-party developers. For example, on my beloved iPhone, I use the Sparrow app, which is really very handy. On the iPad, I use mail in a browser, everything works great.

In this article, we will touch upon registration in all details. Email on the gmail.com service. Registration of mail on gmail.com is completely free, this service is provided by the google.com portal and is available to all users on the Internet. Email gmail.com is famous for its reliability, absence of spam, availability of additional Google services, including the service contextual advertising Google Adsense. Below we will take a look at the process of registering an account on gmail.com in all the details, step by step.

You are now a full-fledged user of gmail.com email, as well as other services from Google.

Additional services from Google

For registered users google.com, together with e-mail, provides an opportunity to use additional services directly from your account. To do this, log in to your e-mail gmail.com using your username and password, and in the upper right corner, click on the box.

A window will appear in front of you, in which all additional services that you can use will be visible.

List of additional services from Google.com

  • Google +
  • interpreter
  • calendar
  • Youtube
  • cards
  • Search
  • blogger
  • documents and other

You can view a complete list of all possible services by clicking on the "Other Google Services" button. In this case, on a separate page, you will see all the products and services available to users.

Internet services

  1. Search
  2. browser toolbar
  3. Google Chrome browser

Services for mobile devices

Special products for use on a mobile phone are located here. Search for mobile phones, as well as a map service for mobile devices.

Google services for business

Google.com has a number of services designed specifically for those people who do business on the Internet. These are services such as:

  1. Adwords- using this service, you can order contextual advertising that will be placed both on Google search and on partner sites on the Internet.
  2. My business- with help of this service you can place information about your company on maps, in Google service Plus and Google search is completely free.
  3. Admob- designed to make money on their applications, in the event that you are their developer.
  4. Google Apps for Work- these are documents, disk, e-mail and other services. specially designed for companies.
  5. Adsense Is a contextual advertising service that allows site owners to make money on the Internet.

Google Multimedia Services

  1. Youtube Is a world famous service for downloading and watching videos. Here you can both upload and watch videos on the internet.
  2. Search pictures- this service is designed to search for pictures on the Internet.
  3. Search video- with the help of this service you can find any video on the Internet.
  4. Books- designed to search for books.
  5. news Is a news feed from which you can find out all the latest events.
  6. Picasa- the service is designed to publish and edit your own photos.


At the moment, there are 3 services available in this section:

  1. Cards- here to study and plot your own routes.
  2. Panoramio- here you can view and add your own photos from all over the world.
  3. Planet Earth- the service is designed to explore the world without leaving home.

For home and office

  • Gmail.com- Reliable email with proven spam protection.
  • Documents - Here you can create and share your documents with other users.
  • Presentations- allows you to create, edit and show your own presentations.
  • Drawings- now all users on the Internet have access to the creation of diagrams and drawing of flowcharts.
  • Calendar- here you can plan your time, share events. as well as create events and reminders about them to your email.
  • Google virtual printer- using this service, you can print anywhere and from any device.
  • Disk- here you can store files, as well as give access to them to other people.
  • table- creating and editing tables. Tables can be shared with other users on the Internet.
  • Forms- designed to create and conduct surveys on the Internet.
  • Websites- a service for creating your own sites.
  • Interpreter- allows you to translate texts and sites on the Internet into different languages ​​of the world.
  • Google keep- if you have ideas, then you can write down and store them here.

Social networks

  1. Google plus - well-known social network from Google.com. Upload your photos, publish events and posts, share them with your friends.
  2. Groups- here you can create mailing lists and various discussion groups.
  3. Blogger Is a free service for creating your own blog on the Internet. Any user in two clicks can get their own blog for free.
  4. Hangouts- interactive communication without borders. You can chat on the Internet for free.

Login to email gmail.com

Login to e-mail is available only for registered users. If you have not yet acquired your own e-mail, then do it using the instructions contained above in this article.

For registered users, logging into gmail.com mail is quite simple:

Now you can log into gmail.com mail at any time of the day, check and send emails. In the event that you checked the box next to the "Stay logged in" item, your login and password will be recognized automatically, you will not need to specify them every time you enter your e-mail.

Currently, any user of the world wide web can get himself e-mail, because it is very simple to do it. It is quite another matter which resource to choose for this. Most Russians use services from or, but foreign users are increasingly registering on Gmail.com. For those who are not in the know - this is an email service owned by the most famous search engine in the world, Google.

It should be noted that mail from Gmail is very convenient and thoughtful. However, in our opinion, the greatest beauty of this service is that there is a so-called two-step identification, which allows you to link your email account to a mobile phone. Therefore, no one will be able to read your letters, except you, since in order to enter the mailbox, you must first enter the code that came to your cell phone. For those who keep valuable information in the mail, this is a very important service.

Free mailbox registration

Now let's go directly to registration. Go to the link gmail.com and click "Create an account". It looks like this:

Or like this:

What is your name... It is not hard to guess that here you must indicate your first and last name. It is up to you to decide whether they should be real or fictitious, however, we believe that it is better to indicate real data, since this is not only more convenient for your interlocutors, but will also help to restore mail in case of loss of access to it.

Come up with a username... You have to come up with a nickname () that you will use for authorization in mail. It is worth noting that most of the "simple" logins are already taken by users, so you will most likely have to come up with something special. We hope this will not be a problem.

Pick a password... The password must be complex. Do not try to use simple qwerty or 123456 types - attackers pick them up very quickly. You can create a complex password this way: take a Russian word, for example, "Mowgli". Write it on the English layout - you get Vfeukb. Wonderful. Now add some numbers and symbols here, something like this:%? Vfeukb1975. We received a 12-character password, which is very difficult to guess. And if you use double authorization, then it will be simply impossible to get into the mailbox.

Confirm the password... Enter the password above again in the field.

Date of birth, Gender... Whether it is worth indicating this information is up to you.

Mobile phone... At this stage, it is not necessary to add the cell number.

Alternate email address... If you have another mailbox, you can specify it. In case of loss of access, all the necessary information will be sent to him.

Prove that you are not a robot... It is easy to prove it - you just need to enter a captcha, which, however, is not so simple. However, after a couple of attempts, you will probably be able to enter incomprehensible characters.

Country... Here you need to specify the country of residence, although usually it is automatically set for your region.

NECESSARILY check the box next to the "I agree to the Terms of Use ...", as without this it is impossible to continue registration.

After filling in all the information, click on the "Next" button. Congratulations, registration is complete!

In the next step, you will be prompted to add your photo, but you can choose not to - as you wish.

In order to go to mail, at the top of the page of the same Google, click on the dotted icon, and then select the mail service.

Dual authorization

And now we got to the fun part. Now we will tell you how to enable double authorization so that no one can get into your mailbox except you, of course.

On the right side of the screen, you can see an avatar. Click on it and in the drop-down menu select the "My Account" section.

Enter your phone number and follow the instructions.

Finally, I would like to remind you that it is highly advisable to use only the one in your name as a phone number. If you lose this phone, you will hardly be able to regain access to your account. Be careful!

Gmail.com (jimeil or gmail) is the world's largest email site. It belongs google search engine and here you can create a mailbox for free, as well as get a Google account with it. And, therefore, Drive, YouTube, Google Play, access to other services.

1 . We open the site gmail.com. Click on "Create an account" at the bottom.

2. We fill in the form on the right side.

Name and surname. Here you need to indicate your data, preferably real. After all, if suddenly in the future you have difficulties with entering the box, then thanks to this information it will be possible to return access. If desired, this data can then be hidden.

Username... A very important field is the name of your mailbox (login). It should only consist of English letters; numbers and dots can also be used. It just needs to be invented and printed.

This is the e-mail address where the letters will be sent. It is this that will need to be told to the person so that he can send you something.

There may be problems with choosing a username. The fact is that each such login is unique - it belongs to only one person. And very many names have already been registered, which means that they cannot be selected.

Let's say I want to get the umnik login. I type it in the field and press the Enter button on my keyboard. The system does not allow such a name - it says it is too short.

Okay, so I add a couple more letters and press Enter. But Google again does not like it: it turns out that such a name has already been taken by someone.

Below the system shows the logins that are free for registration. Google automatically added them from my first and last name, and also added something similar to the one I had invented.

You can choose any of them. But I advise you to work a little more and find something better - shorter and easier to remember. The fact is that it will no longer be possible to change this name.

Of course, you can then register another mailbox, set up forwarding of letters to it from the old address. But why such difficulties, if you can immediately choose a normal name.

To simplify the task, after entering the desired login, press the Enter button and see what the system offers. It will show a different free title after each click. Maybe something will do.

If the name is free for registration, then after pressing Enter, the field for its input will not be highlighted in red.

Many people at first do not understand how important it is to have a good address. Of course, if mail is needed not for correspondence, but for something else (registration on Google Play, for example), then any name will do. But if you plan to receive letters to her, then the address is very, very important.

Ideally, it should be simple and not too long to dictate over the phone. It is desirable, however, without numbers and dots. And no "babies", "beauties" and "kitties"!

It's funny when a serious guy's business card says puzatik45.

Password and password confirmation... Here you need to type the alphanumeric code with which you will open your box. Only letters of the English alphabet and numbers can be used in it, the size must be at least eight characters. It is highly desirable that the letters be of different case (both large and small) - so it will be more difficult for hackers to break into the box.

Be sure to write this password down somewhere safe!

It is checked: it is forgotten instantly, but you simply cannot enter your mail without it.

Date of birth, gender... These fields are also required. Information from them will not be used anywhere. As with the first / last name, it is better to provide your real details. This will make it easier to regain access to the mailbox if problems arise with the login.

Other information... Mobile phone, backup email mail and country - this data can be omitted.

3. After filling in all the required fields, click "Next". If the system does not start up, it means that some field is filled in the wrong way. It will be highlighted in red, and just below it is written what is wrong with it.

4 . A window will appear in which the conditions for registration in the gmail.com mail will be written. They must be accepted, otherwise you will not receive the box.

The "Accept" button will become available only after you read them.

That's all! The mailbox is registered and Google is happy to provide its address. We write it down in a safe place and click on "Go to the Gmail service".

Your new mail will open immediately after that.

E-mail address

If you carefully read what I told before, then you should remember about the username. I said that this is exactly the address of your e-mail box. But this is not entirely true: every mail on the Internet has one more part in addition to the login. In the case of Google, this is @ gmail.com

It turns out that the correct name of the e-mail box consists of the username (login) and the prefix @ gmail.com. And this address should be one continuous word without spaces. There is no dot at the end.

An example of a well-written address:

This is the full name that needs to be dictated to people, written on business cards, websites and in other places. If you give the person only a shortened version, he will not be able to send the letter - it simply will not reach. But only the address should be your own, not the one that is written in this picture :)

How to find out the address of your mailbox

As soon as you get into your new mailbox, Google greets you and briefly talks about the possibilities of mail. We close this window - it will no longer appear.

To find out your email address on Gmail, you need to click on the icon with the letter of your name at the top right. A small window will appear where it will be written.

How to enter your mail after registration

Okay, we have the box. But how to get into it after a while: a day, two, a month, a year ...

Everything is very simple: usually a program for the Internet (browser) remembers data from mail and downloads it automatically. You only need to open google site, and in the upper right corner, click on the picture with small squares, where to select the mail icon.

Immediately after that, your mailbox should open with new and old letters. And if suddenly the program for the Internet forgets the data from the mail, then you will need to enter them.

Why do I need a Gmail inbox

Of course, first of all, you need mail to send and receive emails. In addition to text, you can send documents, photos, and other files.

Google Email or Gmail is one of the world's best email services. Reliability is one of the main advantages of this service - it always works and works as it should. Correspondence is securely encrypted. This postal service is part of the whole complex of Google services and it is American, then American encryption algorithms are of high cryptographic strength. Those. our special services do not like Gmail very much, tk. unable to decrypt e-mail messages. So how to do

Login to Google mail

If you already have a Google account, then you can go to Gmail-. A window opens.

In the appropriate fields, enter the e-mail that you used when registering your account and password. Press the button To come in... A window opens.

Everything. you did login to google mail.

But if you do not have a mailbox in this service, then you need to create it. Google is not only a well-known search engine, but it also provides a bunch of additional features, for example, mail, games, diaries, Google+, YouTube and much and much more. And it was done in such a way that you need to create one account to use all this bunch of utilities.

We go by. The registration page opens.

In the upper right corner, click the hefty blue Create Account button. The registration form opens.

How to fill in "what"? We look at what they ask us and do.

  • What is your name - enter your first and last name;
  • Come up with a username. Here we enter what we want, but we write everything in Latin letters (in other words, in English). Choose a name that is easy to remember. And remember that simultaneously with the registration of the account, the registration of mail takes place. Those. if you chose the username Serge, then your email address will be [email protected]
  • Create and confirm a password. The longer, the better, and most importantly in different case (with capital and small letters). Advice: each of us has some meaningful word, i.e. a word that is close only to you. For example, the name of your beloved cat or the nickname of your best friend, etc. So you translate the keyboard layout into English and Russian letters and enter this word. Let me explain. Let's say for me a meaningful word - "liberast" (as I call my sidekick). So in the English layout it will be "Kb, thfcn". This will be easy for me to remember and difficult for all sorts of dark personalities to guess your password;
  • date of birth and gender - everything is clear;
  • mobile phone - we write our own - it will be required to restore the account if suddenly something happens and it is impossible to enter it. If, for some reason, you don’t want to write your real number, then read the article;
  • alternate e-mail address - we write the e-mail address that you already have;
  • default home page - whatever you want;
  • prove that you are not a robot - we enter what we see;
  • The country is simple;
  • I accept the terms….-Put a tick;
  • press the button next.

After that, you have created an account, and at the same time a mailbox.