The photo set as the main one in social network Odnoklassniki is a kind of visiting card by which the site users can find you, invite you to a group, add you as a friend. And by adding a new photo to your page, you can present your new image, hobby and much more. Moreover, replacing the image in Odnoklassniki is not at all difficult.

You will need

  • - registration on the Odnoklassniki website;
  • - access to the Internet;
  • - Photo.


  • If you are going to change the personal photo that you use on the page as the main one, go to your profile, move the mouse cursor over the avatar that decorates your page, and click the "Change photo" link that appears on the image. On the next page, you will need to select the desired picture from the personal photos available on your page or indicate the location of the file you are looking for on your computer or removable media. Add an image, edit it, crop it if necessary, and save your changes. Then the photo will appear in place of the main image.
  • To replace the "business card" of the page, you can use another method. It's pretty simple too. To do this, from your page, go to the "Photos" section, open the "Personal Photos" album, select the image you need (corresponding to the theme or mood) and click the "Make Home" button that pops up in the picture. Within a few seconds, your chosen photo will take its place on the page.
  • In a similar way, you can transfer to the place of the avatar in Odnoklassniki any picture and image from the albums on the user's page. To do this, just open the album, move the cursor over the photo and select "Set as home".
  • It will not be difficult for the Odnoklassniki user to change the photo in the group he himself created. To do this, go to the group, of which you are the administrator, move the cursor over the main photo and in the pop-up window select the option "Select cover". After that, you should indicate where the file you need is stored, and add it as the group's splash screen.
  • But unfortunately, you won't be able to change the image in the theme you created in the group where you are the administrator. The only thing the creator of the group has the right to do is to delete the unsuitable or unnecessary image. To do this, just open the picture and find the "Delete photo" link on the top right side of the screen. The function of adding an image to a theme is also missing in this section.
  • The user can change the cover art in the group's album, but only on condition that he himself is the author of this album or the administrator of the entire group. To apply the changes, select the appropriate one from the existing images and apply the "Make Cover" function to it. Otherwise, the user will only have access to the options "Bookmark", "Get link", "Complain", "Class", "Comments" and "Share".
  • By registering in one of the social networks, for example, Odnoklassniki, you can find old friends, classmates, add them as friends, and exchange information. But first you need to fill out a profile, and without an avatar it will be incomplete and not informative enough.


  • A lot of people of various ages are registered on the Odnoklassniki social network. To find someone specific, you need to know at least his first and last name. But you can face a problem if you find several people at once who have the same name, surname, and sometimes the city of residence. In this case, you can find out which of the found users is needed by the avatar, provided that there is a really recognizable photo on it, and not just a picture. Do not be lazy to choose a high-quality photo for your profile so that you can be easily recognized on it.
  • On the main page of your profile in Odnoklassniki, you can see the following tabs: General, Friends, Groups, Photos, Notes, Games and More. Pre-upload to your computer the photo that you want to make the "face" of your account, click on the "Photos" tab, then select "Add Photo". A small window will open where you need to select the required file and confirm the download.
  • After the photo is uploaded, move the mouse cursor over it to open a list of the following functions that can be applied to the photo: “Make home”, “Mark friends”, “Change description”, “Delete”. Select the first function, when a confirmation question appears, click on the "Change" button - your avatar on "Odnoklassniki" has been updated. If you want to replace your profile photo with another, just do the above operations again, but with a different file.
  • Keep in mind that only a personal photo can be used for the Odnoklassniki avatar. Pictures from your profile albums cannot be used for this purpose. If you want to use a photo from an album as an avatar, just download it to your computer, and then follow the steps described above.
  • A beautiful photo is the calling card of your profile. It is on it that friends and acquaintances find you, so it is important for all users to know how to change the main photo in Odnoklassniki. This process is not at all complicated and does not take a lot of time, so let's rather figure out how exactly to do it.

    On the computer

    First, we will learn how to change photos in Odnoklassniki quickly and easily on a computer.

    Immediately, we note that there is no simplest option in terms of complexity, both methods, both on the phone and on the computer, will take you a couple of minutes!

    • We open a social network site, home page;
    • Hover the cursor over your avatar and select "Change photo" in the menu that appears;
    • A window will open in front of you where you must select the photo that you want to install on your avatar. It can be downloaded from a computer, or from existing albums on the site.

    Think carefully about which photo on Odnoklassniki on the main page is right for you, it can be your shot from vacation or just a beautiful selfie, but it can also be an image of your favorite character, nature or something else. It's up to you!

    • After the selection is made, click "Install".

    There is another method by which the question of how to change the photo in Odnoklassniki to the main one will be quickly resolved. It will take a little longer.

    • Click on your profile picture;
    • Your avatar will open in front of you in full screen, scrolling down the page a little you can see a menu in which there are sections "Edit" or "Delete". Select "Edit" if you want to resize or "Delete" if you want to change the image.

    • After uninstalling, you can install something new in the profile.

    So we figured out how to change the photo in Odnoklassniki. It remains only to find out if this can be done in mobile version.

    On the phone

    Consider the instructions on how to change the photo in Odnoklassniki from the phone:

    • Open the app and log in;
    • Next, you will need to open the main profile page and click on the camera icon;
    • After that, it only remains to select a photo for Odnoklassniki on the main page.

    Now you know how to change the main photo in Odnoklassniki to the main one. As you can see, the instruction is very simple and does not require much effort. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, we will be happy to answer them.

    Main photo

    A profile on the Odnoklassniki social network allows you not only to communicate with friends scattered in various cities and countries, but also to find new acquaintances, old friends and once lost connections. Therefore, it is very important to correctly arrange your own, so that, if necessary, your friends can find you.

    The first and most important thing that a person sees when entering your page on Odnoklassniki is the main photo. It is best if your face is displayed on it, and the photo itself is of good quality. Of course, from time to time it becomes necessary to replace the main photo. To do this, you need to do a few simple steps.

    How to change the main photo in Odnoklassniki?

    Log into your account on the Odnoklassniki website.

    Your main photo will be displayed on the left side of the page. Move the mouse pointer over it. A pop-up line will appear at the bottom, where there will be an inscription "". Click on it.

    A window will open in front of you, where all the photos that have been uploaded to your profile will be displayed. Select the photo you like with a mouse click.

    If you don't like any of the uploaded photos, click on "". Then, in the window that opens, go to the folder where the photo you need is stored, select it and click "Open".

    After selecting a photo, it will automatically be cropped to fit a square. If you are satisfied with the cropped photo, press the "Close" button to complete the installation of the new main photo.

    If you need to crop the photo differently, click on "Edit Photo" and then set the square frame as you need it. Next to the photo, you can see how it will be displayed on your page, on friends' pages and in discussions.

    Try to choose high quality photographs so that after zooming out, you can distinguish what is shown in them.

    How can I change the main photo through the mobile version of the site?

    Using Odnoklassniki from mobile devices is becoming more and more popular. But the site's interface, optimized for smartphones and tablets, is somewhat different from the usual. Therefore, there are some differences in the procedure for changing the main photo.

    1. Log in to your Odnoklassniki account using the mobile version of the website

    2. At the top of the screen, next to your name, your main photo will be located.

    3. Click on the icon in the form of three stripes located in the upper left corner or simply pull out sidebar moving from left to right from the edge of the screen.

    4. In the menu that appears, select "Photo".

    5. If you want to set one of the uploaded personal photos to the main photo, select it, then press the "Actions" button in the upper left corner.

    6. On the right side of the page that opens, tap on the three vertical dots, and then in the pop-up menu, tap on "Set as main".

    7. The system will ask you to confirm your action. Click the "Install" button to confirm. After that, the photo will be installed.

    8. If you want to add a new image to the main photo, which is not in your uploaded photos, click on "Add photo" and then on the button "Upload photo".

    9. After that, select a suitable photo from the gallery, wait until it is uploaded to the site and save it.

    10. Then select the photo in the downloaded one and repeat the steps from steps 5-7.

    How do I delete the main photo?

    To remove the main photo from the Odnoklassniki page, you must:

    Click on the main photo located on the left side of the page at the top.

    On the page that opens, click on "Delete photo" located to the right of the photo.

    After that, your previous photo from the uploaded ones will appear on the main photo.

    In order for the page to remain without the main photo, you must erase all uploaded personal photos from the page.

    By registering on the Odnoklassniki social network, most users plan to find their childhood friends, acquaintances, relatives, and colleagues there. And it is much easier to do this if a photo of the person you need is installed on the page of the person you need, since there can be many matches by name and surname.

    In this article, we will figure out how you can change the main photo in Odnoklassniki on your page. Then it will be easier for other users of the social network to find you.

    How to put the main photo on the page

    If you have recently created a page on Odnoklassniki, then the first thing to do is fill in all the necessary information about yourself and, of course, add a photo to the main page of your profile.

    To do this, click on the avatar image.

    A window will open in which there will be all the pictures of your profile. You most likely will not have them there. Therefore, click on the button "Select photo from computer".

    Using Explorer, look for the folder on your computer where the desired photo is stored, select it with the mouse and click "Open".

    It is better to choose a picture of good quality, and one that would show your face.

    Next, select the area that should be displayed on the page, in messages and discussions. To do this, drag the dashed area itself and move the markers along the corners, decreasing or increasing it.

    Then click "Install".

    The selected snapshot will be set as the main one for your profile.

    How to change the main photo

    If you want to change the one that was on the page in Odnoklassniki, move the mouse cursor to the profile avatar. A small menu will appear, in which select the "Change" item.

    Then select the desired photo from the list, or find it on your computer by clicking on the corresponding button above, which was discussed above.

    The dotted-line square will reappear, with the help of which you need to select the area that will be displayed. Then click "Install".

    Your page avatar will change.

    How to make the main one of the uploaded photos

    To put on your avatar one of those pictures that was previously uploaded to Odnoklassniki, click on the "Photo" button, which is located under the name of your profile.

    Decide on one of them, move the mouse cursor over it to make it look like a magnifying glass, and click on it.

    In view mode, scroll down the page. In the menu on the right, you will see the link "Set as home", click on it.

    Select the area that will be shown on the page with a dotted line, and click "Install".

    How to change the main photo via the mobile app

    For those who use more often mobile app to enter your page on Odnoklassniki, we will consider how you can do all the actions using a phone or tablet.

    Go to the application and open the side menu - three horizontal lines on the left.

    Click on the image that is currently set as the avatar for your profile, at the top.

    A small window will appear. Remember where the photo that you are going to set as the main one is stored, and click on the corresponding item.

    If the desired image is uploaded to Odnoklassniki, click "Select a photo from OK", select it in the list, and it will immediately be installed as the main one for your page.

    If you need to download a snapshot from your device, click "Select from phone". Then find the one you want, click on it and click "Select".

    Sign the photo, if necessary, you can turn it over, and click "Upload".

    The image will be loaded and set as the main one for the profile.

    How to remove the main photo

    In order to remove it altogether from your Odnoklassniki avatar, click on it on your page.

    Then select "Delete Photo" from the menu below.

    This picture will be deleted, but in its place, as the main one, the next one in order, which is stored in the "Personal Photos" album, will be installed.

    If you need the avatar to be empty at all, and you don't want to delete pictures from Odnoklassniki, do the following.

    At the top, click on the "Photo" button. Then open the Personal album.

    Highlight everything and select another album from the drop-down list. Click "Transfer".